The Rise Of Modern China Epub Format


Table of ContentsPrefacesList of MapsA Note on the TextMajor Chronological PeriodsConversion Tables1. A Conceptual Framework of Modern ChinaI. The Persistence of Traditional Institutions, 1600-18002.

  1. The Rise Of Modern China Epub Format Online

The Rise and Splendor of the Ch'ing Empire3. Political and Economic Institutions4.

Social and Intellectual Conditions5. Foreign Relations6. The Turn of the Dynastic Fortune: From Prosperity to DeclineII. Foreign Aggresion and Domestic Rebellions, 1800-18647.

The Canton System of Trade8. The Opium War9.

The Second Treaty Settlement10. The Taiping Revolution and the Nien and Moslem RebellionsIII. Self-stregthening in an Age of Accelerated Foreign Imperialism11.

The Dynastic Revival andthe Self-Stregthening Movement12. Foreign Relations and Court Politics, 1861-8013.

Foreign Encroachment in Formosa, Sinkiang, and Annam14. Acceleration of Imperialism: The Japanese Aggression in Korea and the 'Partition of China'IV. Reform and Revolution, 1898-191215. The Reform Movement of 189816. The Boxer Uprising, 190017.

Reform and Constitutionalism at the End of the Ch'ing Period18. Late Ch'ing Intellectual, Social, and Economic Changes with Special Reference to 1895-191119. The Ch'ing Period in Historical Perspective20. Revolution, Republic, and WarlordismV. Ideological Awakening and the War of Resistance21.

The Intellectual Revolution, 1917-2322. National Unification Amidst Ideological Ferment andAnti-imperialistic Agitation23. The Nationalist Government: A Decade of Challenge, 1928-3724. The Sino-Japanese War, 1937-45VI.

The Rise of the Chinese People's Republic25. The Civil War, 1945-4926.

The People's Republic: It's First Decade27. The Sino-Soviet Split28.

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution29. The Fall of Lin Pao and Its Aftermath30.

China Rejoins the International Community31. The Nationalist Rule on TaiwanVII. China After Mao: The Search for a New Order32. The Smashing of the Gang of Four33.

Teng Hsiao-p'ing and China's New Order34. The Normalization of Relations Between China and the United States35. The Four Modernizations36. The End of the Maoist Age37.

BuildingSocialism with Chinese Characteristics38. China In Transition, 1986-88: The Cultural Impact of the Open-Door Policy39. Taiwan's 'Economic Miracle' and the Prospect for Unification with Mainland China40. The Violent Crackdown at T'ien-an-men Square, June 3-4, 198941. The Chinese Model of Development: Quasi-capitalism in a Political Dictatorship42. The Rise of CinaAppendix IAppendix IIIllustration CreditsIndex.

Main article: Format:compressed imagesPublished as.cbr (RAR);.cbz (ZIP);.cb7 (7z);.cbt (TAR);.cba (ACE)Compiled HTML Format:Published as.chmCHM format is a proprietary format based on HTML. Multiple pages and embedded graphics are distributed along with as a single compressed file. The indexing is both for keywords and for full text search.DAISY – ANSI/NISO Z39.86 Format:Published as:The Digital Accessible Information SYstem (DAISY) is an -based open standard published by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and maintained by the DAISY Consortium for people with. DAISY has wide international support with features for multimedia, navigation and synchronization. A subset of the DAISY format has been adopted by law in the United States as the National Instructional Material Accessibility Standard (NIMAS), and K-12 textbooks and instructional materials are now required to be provided to students with disabilities.DAISY is already aligned with the EPUB technical standard, and is expected to fully converge with its forthcoming EPUB3 revision.

DjVu Format:DjVuPublished as.DjVu is a format specialized for storing scanned documents. It includes advanced compressors optimized for low-color images, such as text documents. Individual files may contain one or more pages.

DjVu files cannot be re-flowed.The contained page images are divided in separate layers (such as multi-color, low-resolution, background layer using, and few-colors, high-resolution, tightly compressed foreground layer), each compressed in the best available method. The format is designed to decompress very quickly, even faster than vector-based formats.The advantage of DjVu is that it is possible to take a high-resolution scan (300–400 DPI), good enough for both on- and printing, and store it very efficiently. Several dozens of 300 DPI black-and-white scans can be stored in less than a megabyte.DOC Format:Microsoft WordPublished a file format that is directly supported by few ebook readers. Its advantages as an ebook format is that it can be easily converted to other ebook formats and it can be reflowed.

It can be easily edited using Microsoft software, and any of several other programs. Note that the format has changed several times since its original release, and there are numerous incompatibility difficulties between various releases and the assorted programs which attempt to read / write the format.DOCX Format:Microsoft Word (XML)Published a file format that is directly supported by few ebook readers. Its advantages as an ebook format are that it can be easily converted to other ebook formats and it can be reflowed. It can be easily edited.EPUB. Main article:The.epub or format is a technical standard for e-books created by the (IDPF).The EPUB format has gained some popularity as a vendor-independent XML-based e-book format. The format can be read by the, devices, Apple's app running on computers and devices, app running on and iOS devices, Amazon, the EPUBReader, and other reading apps.Adobe Digital Editions uses.epub format for its e-books, with (DRM) protection provided through their proprietary ADEPT mechanism.

The ADEPT framework and scripts have been reverse-engineered to circumvent this DRM system. EReader Formerly Palm Digital Media/Peanut Press Format:Palm MediaPublished as.eReader is a program for viewing Palm Digital Media electronic books which use the pdb format used by many Palm applications. Versions are available for, (not webOS), Pocket PC/Smartphone,.

The reader shows text one page at a time, as paper books do. EReader supports embedded hyperlinks and images. Additionally, the application for the and can read both and unencrypted eReader files.The program supports features like bookmarks and footnotes, enabling the user to mark any page with a bookmark and any part of the text with a footnote-like commentary. Footnotes can later be exported as a Memo document.On July 20, 2009, made an announcement implying that eReader would be the company's preferred format to deliver e-books. Exactly three months later, in a press release by, it was revealed Barnes & Noble would be joining forces with the software company to standardize the EPUB and PDF eBook formats. Barnes & Noble e-books are now sold mostly in EPUB format. FictionBook (fb2) Format:FictionBookPublished a popular -based e-book format, supported by free readers such as, and.The FictionBook format does not specify the appearance of a document; instead, it describes its structure and semantics.

All the ebook metadata, such as the author name, title, and publisher, is also present in the ebook file. Hence the format is convenient for automatic processing, indexing, and ebook collection management.

This also is convenient to store books in it for later automatic conversion into other formats.Founder Electronics Format:Apabi ReaderPublished as.;.cebis a format devised. It is a popular format for Chinese e-books. It can be read using the software, and produced using. Both.xeb files are encoded binary files.

The e-book device includes an Apabi 'viewer'.Hypertext Markup Language Format:HypertextPublished as.htm;.html and typically auxiliary images, js and cssis the used for most pages. E-books using HTML can be read using a.

The specifications for the format are available without charge from the.HTML adds specially marked meta-elements to otherwise plain text encoded using like. As such, suitably formatted files can be, and sometimes are, generated by hand using a. Many HTML generator applications exist to ease this process and often require less intricate knowledge of the format details involved.HTML on its own is not a particularly efficient format to store information in, requiring more storage space for a given work than many other formats.

However, several e-Book formats including the Amazon Kindle, Open eBook, Compiled HTML, Mobipocket and EPUB store each book chapter in HTML format, then use compression to compress the HTML data, images, metadata and style sheets into a single, significantly smaller, file.HTML files encompass a wide range of standards and displaying HTML files correctly can be complicated. Additionally many of the features supported, such as forms, are not relevant to e-books.iBook (Apple) Format:iBookPublished as.ibooksThe.ibooks format is created with the free ebook layout software from. This proprietary format is based on the standard, with some differences in the CSS tags used in an ibooks format file, this making it incompatible with the EPUB specification.

The End-User Licensing Agreement (EULA) included with iBooks Author states that 'If you want to charge a fee for a work that includes files in the.ibooks format generated using iBooks Author, you may only sell or distribute such work through Apple'. The 'through Apple' will typically be in the Apple store. The EULA further states that 'This restriction does not apply to the content of such works when distributed in a form that does not include files in the.ibooks format.' Therefore, Apple has not included distribution restrictions in the iBooks Author EULA for ibooks format ebooks created in iBooks Author that are made available for free, and it does not prevent authors from re-purposing the content in other ebook formats to be sold outside the iBookstore.

This software currently supports import and export functionally for three formats. Ibook, Plain text and PDF. Versions 2.3 and later of iBooks Author support importing EPUB and exporting EPUB 3.0. IEC 62448 Format:IEC 62448Published as:IEC 62448 is an international standard created by (IEC), Technical Committee 100, Technical Area 10 (Multimedia e-publishing and e-book).The current version of IEC 62448 is an umbrella standard that contains as appendices two concrete formats, XMDF of Sharp and BBeB of Sony. However, BBeB has been discontinued by Sony and the version of XMDF that is in the specification is out of date. The IEC TA10 group is discussing the next steps, and has invited the IDPF organization which has standardized to be a liaison. It is possible that the current version of EPUB and/or the forthcoming EPUB3 revision may be added to IEC 62448.

Meanwhile, a number of Japanese companies have proposed that IEC standardize a proposed new Japanese-centric file format that is expected to unify DotBook of Voyager Japan and XMDF of Sharp. This new format has not been publicly disclosed as of November 2010 but it is supposed to cover basic representations for the Japanese language. Technically speaking, this revision is supposed to provide a Japanese minimum set, a Japanese extension set, and a stylesheet language. These issues were discussed in the TC100 meeting held in October 2010 but no decisions were taken besides offering the liaison status to IDPF.INF (IBM) Format:IBM & Open SourcePublished as.infcreated this e-book format and used it extensively for and other of its operating systems. The INF files were often digital versions of printed books that came with some bundles of OS/2 and other products.

There were many other newsletters and monthly publications (e.g.: EDM/2) available in the INF format too.The advantage of INF is that it is very compact and very fast. It also supports images, reflowed text, tables and various list formats. INF files get generated by compiling the markup text files — in the (IPF) format — into binary files.Originally only IBM created an INF viewer and compiler, but later open source viewers like NewView, DocView and others appeared. There is also an open source IPF compiler named WIPFC, created by the project.Kindle (Amazon). Main article: Format:KindlePublished as.azw;.azw3 or.kf8;.kfxWith the release of the reader in late 2011, also released, also known as.AZW3.

The.azw3 file format supports a subset of and features, with some additional nonstandard features; the new data is stored within a container which can also be used to store a Mobi content document, allowing limited backwards compatibility.Older e-readers use the proprietary format, AZW. It is based on the standard, with a slightly different serial number scheme (it uses an instead of a ) and its own formatting. It also lacks some Mobipocket features such as JavaScript.prc publications can be read directly on the Kindle.Because the ebooks bought on the Kindle are delivered over its wireless system called Whispernet, the user does not see the AZW files during the download process. The Kindle format is available on a variety of platforms, such as through the Kindle app for the various mobile device platforms.Microsoft LIT Format:Microsoft ReaderPublished as.DRM-protected LIT files are only readable in the proprietary program, as the.LIT format, otherwise similar to Microsoft's format, includes features.

Other third party readers, such as, can read unprotected LIT files.The Microsoft Reader uses patented display technology. In Reader navigation works with a keyboard, mouse, stylus, or through electronic bookmarks. The Catalog Library records reader books in a personalized 'home page', and books are displayed with ClearType to improve readability.

The Rise Of Modern China Epub Format Online

A user can add annotations and notes to any page, create large-print e-books with a single command, or create free-form drawings on the reader pages. A built-in dictionary allows the user to look up words.In August 2011, Microsoft announced they were discontinuing both Microsoft Reader and the use of the.lit format for ebooks at the end of August 2012, and ending sales of the format on November 8, 2011. Mobipocket Format:MobipocketPublished as:;.mobiThe e-book format is based on the standard using and can include and frames. It also supports native queries to be used with embedded databases. There is a corresponding e-book reader.The Reader has a home page library.

Readers can add blank pages in any part of a book and add free-hand drawings. Annotations – highlights, bookmarks, corrections, notes, and drawings – can be applied, organized, and recalled from a single location. Images are converted to GIF format and have a maximum size of 64K, sufficient for mobile phones with small screens, but rather restrictive for newer gadgets.

Reader has electronic bookmarks, and a built-in dictionary.The reader has a full screen mode for reading and support for many,. Products support most Windows, Symbian, BlackBerry and Palm operating systems, but not the Android platform.

Using WINE, the reader works under Linux or Mac OS X. Third-party applications like and can also be used under Linux or Mac OS X, but they work only with unencrypted files.The can read files, as can 's Kindle application for Windows and MacOS. Amazon has also developed an.epub converter called KindleGen, and it supports IDPF 1.0 and IDPF 2.0 EPUB format.Multimedia eBooks Format:EvedaPublished as.exe or.htmlA is and that utilizes a combination of different book.

The term can be used as a noun (a medium with multiple content formats) or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content formats.The 'multimedia ebook' term is used in contrast to media which only utilize traditional forms of printed or text books. Multimedia ebooks include a combination of, or content formats. Much like how a traditional book can contain images to help the text tell a story, a multimedia ebook can contain other elements not formerly possible to help tell the story.With the advent of more widespread tablet-like computers, such as the, some publishing houses are planning to make multimedia ebooks, such as Penguin. Newton Digital Book Format:Newton Digital BookPublished as.pkgCommonly known as a Book, but officially referred to as a Newton Digital Book; a single Newton package file can contain multiple books (for example, the three books of a trilogy might be packaged together). Newton Books are created using Newton Press, or, for more advanced content, Newton Book Maker and Newton Toolkit.All systems running the Newton operating system (the most common include the Newton MessagePads, eMates, Siemens Secretary Stations, Motorola Marcos, Digital Ocean Seahorses and Tarpons) have built-in support for viewing Newton books, through a system service known as Newton Book Reader. The Newton was released to the public by Newton, Inc.

Prior to that company's absorption into Apple Computer. The format is thus arguably open and various people have written readers for it (writing a Newton book converter has even been assigned as a university-level class project ).Newton books have no support for DRM or encryption. They do support internal links, potentially multiple tables of contents and indexes, embedded gray scale images, and even some scripting capability using NewtonScript (for example, it's possible to make a book in which the reader can influence the outcome).

Newton books utilize and are thus available in numerous languages. An individual may actually contain multiple views representing the same content in different ways (such as for different screen resolutions).Open Electronic Package Format:Open eBookPublished as.opfis an -based e-book format created by E-Book Systems; it has been superseded by the EPUB electronic publication standard.Portable Document Format Format:Portable Document FormatPublished as.Invented by, and first released in 1993, became ISO 32000 in 2008. The format was developed to provide a platform-independent means of exchanging fixed-layout documents. Derived from, but without language features like loops, PDF adds support for features such as compression, passwords, semantic structures and DRM. Because PDF documents can easily be viewed and printed by users on a variety of computer, they are very common on the and in document management systems worldwide. The current PDF specification, ISO 32000-1:2008, is available from ISO's website, and under special arrangement, without charge from Adobe.Because the format is designed to reproduce fixed-layout pages, re-flowing text to fit mobile device and e-book reader screens has traditionally been problematic.

This limitation was addressed in 2001 with the release of PDF Reference 1.5 and 'Tagged PDF', but 3rd party support for this feature was limited until the release of in 2012.Many products support creating and reading PDF files, such as Adobe Acrobat, and, and several programming libraries such as. Third party viewers such as and are also available. Mac OS X has built-in PDF support, both for creation as part of the printing system and for display using the built-in Preview application.PDF files are supported by almost all modern e-book readers, tablets and smartphones. However, PDF reflow based on Tagged PDF, as opposed to re-flow based on the actual sequence of objects in the content-stream, is not yet commonly supported on mobile devices. Such Re-flow options as may exist are usually found under 'view' options, and may be called 'word-wrap'.Plain text files Format:textPublished as.txtThe first e-books in history were in (.txt) format, supplied for free by the community, but the format itself existed before the e-book era. The plain text format doesn't support digital rights management (DRM) or formatting options (such as different fonts, graphics or colors), but it has excellent portability as it is the simplest e-book encoding possible as a plain text file contains only or text (text files with or encoding are also popular for languages other than English).

Almost all operating systems can read ASCII text files (e.g. Unix, Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, DOS and other systems) and newer operating systems support Unicode text files as well. The only potential for portability problems of ASCII text files is that operating systems differ in their preferred line ending convention and their interpretation of values outside the ASCII range (their character encoding).

Conversion of files from one to another line-ending convention is easy with free software. DOS and Windows uses CRLF, Unix and Apple's OS X use LF, Mac OS up to and including OS 9 uses CR.

By convention, lines are often broken to fit into 80 characters, a legacy of older terminals and consoles. Alternately, each paragraph may be a single line.When Unicode is not in use, the size in bytes of a text file is simply the number of characters, including spaces, and with a new line counting for 1 or 2. For example, the, which is approximately 800,000 words, is about 4 MB. Plucker Format:PluckerPublished as.pdbis an Open Source mobile and desktop e-book reader application with its own associated file format and software to automatically generate Plucker files from text, PDF, HTML, or other document format files, web sites or RSS feeds. The format is public and well-documented.

The Rise Of Modern China Epub Format

Free readers are available for all kinds of desktop computers and many PDAs.PostScript Format:PostScriptPublished a used in the electronic and areas for defining the contents and layout of a printed page, which can be used by a rendering program to assemble and create the actual output. Many office printers directly support interpreting PostScript and printing the result. As a result, the format also sees wide use in the world.RTF Format:Rich Text FormatPublished a file format that is supported by many ebook readers. Its advantages as an ebook format is that it is widely supported, and it can be reflowed. It can be easily edited. It can be easily converted to other ebook formats, increasing its support.SSReader Format:SSReaderPublished as.pdgThe digital book format used by a popular digital library company 超星数字图书馆 in China.

It is a proprietary raster image compression and binding format, with reading time OCR plug-in modules. The company scanned a huge number of Chinese books in the China National Library and this becomes the major stock of their service. The detailed format is not published.

There are also some other commercial e-book formats used in Chinese digital libraries.Text Encoding Initiative Format:Published as.xml is the most popular of the -based (and thus -based or -based) electronic text formats.TomeRaider Format:TomeRaiderPublished as.tr2;.tr3The e-book format is a proprietary format. There are versions of for Windows, Windows Mobile (aka Pocket PC), Palm, Symbian and iPhone. Several Wikipedias are available as with all articles unabridged, some even with nearly all images. Capabilities of the TomeRaider3 e-book reader vary considerably per platform: the Windows and Windows Mobile editions support full. The Palm edition supports limited HTML (e.g., no tables, no fonts), and CSS support is missing.

For Symbian there is only the older TomeRaider2 format, which does not render images or offer category search facilities. Despite these differences any TomeRaider e-book can be browsed on all supported platforms. The Tomeraider website claims to have over 4000 e-books available, including free versions of the and Wikipedia.Open XML Paper Specification Format:OpenXPSPublished as:Open XML Paper Specification (also referred to as OpenXPS) is an open for a and a fixed-document format. Developed it as the XML Paper Specification (XPS). ^ Depends on the eReader application. With ePub 3. Table support added in FictionBook V2.1.

Not supported in V2.0. ^ With HTML 5. Supported in all except 1st Generation Kindle. Cavanaugh, T W (2006).

The Digital Reader: Using E-Books in K-12 Education. Eugene, Oregon: International Society for Technology in Education. Chandler, S (2010). From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, EBooks, and Information Products. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Cope, B., & Mason, D. Markets for electronic book products.

C-2-C series, bk. Altona, Vic: Common Ground Pub. Henke, H (2001). Electronic Books and Epublishing: A Practical guide for Authors. London: Springer. Hanttula, D. Pocket PC handbook.

Rich, J (2006). Self-Publishing For Dummies. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.Footnotes. Retrieved 2015-08-31., Calibre.

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The Rise Of Modern China Epub Format

Retrieved 2016-09-25. Musings and Marvels:Learning the ins and outs of the publishing industry. Retrieved 2012-03-16. Retrieved 2012-03-16. Retrieved 2015-08-31. Aazae.

'Microsoft is discontinuing Microsoft Reader effective August 30, 2012, which includes download access of the Microsoft Reader application from the Microsoft Reader website.' August 22, 2005, at the. Archived from on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2015-08-31.

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Retrieved 2015-08-31. Retrieved 2015-08-31. Archived from on 2016-01-18. Retrieved 2015-08-31. Archived from on December 5, 2008. Retrieved January 10, 2010. Missing or empty title=.

Archived from on 2007-01-19. Retrieved 2008-01-10. CS1 maint: archived copy as title. ^. Retrieved 2015-08-31. Retrieved 2015-08-31.

Joshua Tallent (2009-02-25). Kindle Formatting.

Retrieved 2015-08-31. ^. Retrieved 2015-08-31. Retrieved 2015-08-31. Retrieved 2015-08-31. Retrieved 2015-08-31.

Retrieved 2015-08-31. Retrieved 2015-08-31.External links.