English Conversations All Occasions Pdf To Word


If you want to jump straight to downloading the conversation topics, you may scroll down to the end of the page. However, I would suggest you still read the first part of the post, which delves into how you can get the most out of your conversation practice.Here are the best practices:How to get the most out of your conversation practice? Pick the side you want to speak forMost topics have two sides to argue on. You can pick either of the side – favor or against – or sometimes just take an entirely different direction. For example, if the discussion topic is ‘should laptops be allowed in classrooms?’ you can argue either in favor of the topic (allow laptops in classrooms) or against it (don’t allow laptops in classrooms). Make a mental note of your regular mistakes few minutes before you startFew minutes before the conversation begins, make a mental note of your regular 1-2 mistakes you won’t repeat.

Even if you’ve to go slow or take other measures to curb these mistakes, do it. Prepare a structureTake even practice conversations seriously if you want to, because what you do in practice comes out in real situations as well.

Prepare before opening your mouth to avoid rambling and frequent pauses. Get your thoughts organized in bullet points in the order you plan to speak. For example, if you’re speaking against allowing laptops in classrooms, following could be a structure for what you want to say:. Therefore, I believe Conclude4. Support your argumentAdd any statistic, expert opinion, quote, anecdote, or personal experience in support of your assertion (you need to think of them when preparing your structure as mentioned in the previous point). That’s how you strengthen your argument.


For example, you can narrate your or someone else’s experience of how distracting use of laptop in the classroom was. ListenWhen the other person is speaking, don’t think of what you would say next. If you listen, you would be able to counter his point if you don’t agree with it or build on what he said if you’ve more to say on it. A good response takes cues from what the other person said and reacts to it, and doesn’t get fixated on what you’ve already prepared. Review after the conversation endsMost people just hang up after finishing the conversation, which isn’t the best way.

After the conversation, you should spend few minutes analyzing what went right and what went wrong. Few areas of improvement would be obvious to you, but few can be discovered through feedback from the other person.

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Identifying your mistakes is gold. Work on them. That’s the fastest way to improve. If you don’t critique your performance and take corrective steps, your communication skills would barely improve even after years of practice.Few logistical points to note on the topics that follow:.

Try to have the conversation for at least five minutes, the longer the better.Without further ado, here are English conversation topics arranged in three categories – beginner, intermediate, and advanced – depending on the difficulty level of the topic. You can either download the topics as a PDF (link at the end of the page) or bookmark this page on your browser to access the topics whenever you want to hold a discussion.

Best english conversation book pdf

» » » Conversations English lessons - A list of all lessons Conversations list of all the English lessons about conversationsEnglish lessons that are about conversations?The conversations are between 2 and 4 people and are between, friends, going to the doctors, golf, at the airport, hair and beauty, talking on the phone, talking about the weather and various other things. When you have decided which lesson about conversation you want to view just click on the lesson of your choice.To view a list of Conversation lessonsClick on the links to choose the lessons about conversationRequest a lessonSometimes you might not see a lesson that you want. You can send a request using the contact us form.