Pinnacle Studio 9 Pal Serial Killers

  1. Pinnacle Studio 9 Windows 7

Archived from groups: You might try this:That's the serial number generator when they had this problem with Studio 7and 8.Cory'Ron' wrote in After successfully installing the product from disk, I followed links to this update, but am confronted with a registration dialog that respondsthat the serial number is invalid.

(I know the serial number is valid, because it was just used to install the software.) So far nothing but anunhelpful automated response from tech support. Would appreciate advice from a voice of experience. Archived from groups: Thanks for the suggestion. After a few hours, I simply tried again and itworked. I guess their server has to sync up or something.My next problem is that while the app appears to import, and parse intoscenes, mpg files that I previously created by capturing with Nero or Roxioproducts, or by exporting from Nero, I can't get any of those scenes tosimply play in the editing interface. Can it be that Studio 9 will onlyplay clips that it captures itself? Manual logitech keyboard ipad. Nah, must be I'm too early on thelearning curve.

(It does, however, play the mpgs that were installed withit.)Thx again, Ron'Cory' wrote in messagenews:ekuTd.36874$xt.16083@fed1read07. You might try this: That's the serial number generator when they had this problem with Studio 7 and 8. Cory 'Ron' wrote in message After successfully installing the product from disk, I followed links to this update, but am confronted with a registration dialog that responds that the serial number is invalid. (I know the serial number is valid, because it was just used to install the software.) So far nothing but an unhelpful automated response from tech support. Would appreciate advice from a voice of experience. Archived from groups: So it's creating scenes, huh?

One way to work around that is to hit 'Cancel'when you're first importing the clips so it doesn't split your importedclips into scenes. However once they're already split, what you need to dois close Studio, go to where your mpg file is located in Explorer, anddelete the.scn file that Studio creates. Then go back to Studio, re-importthe clip, hit 'Cancel' while it's detecting the scenes, and it will stop andbe good to go.Does this fix what you're talking about?Cory'Ron' wrote in messagenews

Thanks for the suggestion. After a few hours, I simply tried again and it worked. I guess their server has to sync up or something. My next problem is that while the app appears to import, and parse into scenes, mpg files that I previously created by capturing with Nero orRoxio products, or by exporting from Nero, I can't get any of those scenes to simply play in the editing interface. Can it be that Studio 9 will only play clips that it captures itself?

Pinnacle studio 9 pal serial killers cast

Nah, must be I'm too early on the learning curve. (It does, however, play the mpgs that were installed with it.) Thx again, Ron 'Cory' wrote in message news:ekuTd.36874$xt.16083@fed1read07. You might try this: That's the serial number generator when they had this problem withStudio 7 and 8. Cory 'Ron' wrote in message After successfully installing the product from disk, I followed linksto this update, but am confronted with a registration dialog that responds that the serial number is invalid. (I know the serial number is validbecause it was just used to install the software.) So far nothing but an unhelpful automated response from tech support.

Would appreciate advice from a voice of experience. Thx, Ron. Archived from groups: 'Cory' wrote in messagenews:lOzTd.37661$xt.19286@fed1read07. So it's creating scenes, huh?Yup.

One way to work around that is to hit 'Cancel' when you're first importing the clips so it doesn't split your imported clips into scenes. However once they're already split, what you need to do is close Studio, go to where your mpg file is located in Explorer, and delete the.scn file that Studio creates. Then go back to Studio, re-import the clip, hit 'Cancel' while it's detecting the scenes, and it will stop and be good to go.I just tried that and, yes, the (2.5 minute) mpg appears in the upper leftarea as a single take, and I can slide it onto the storyboard. I can alsomove the sliders in the upper left work area while it is selected, and seethe start and endpoints reflected both there and in the upper right player.But. Does this fix what you're talking about?Unfortunately, no. When I hit the play arrow in the upper right player,that button assumes the 'pause' symbol but nothing plays.

If I had placedthe cursor in the middle of the clip, it reverts to the start of it andstays there and there's no advance of the time in the player. (It stays at0:00:00:00) I can move the now time in the timeline view, even with thedrag controls or up/down arrows in the player, and the cursor does move onthe timeline, but no image appears in the player. I can also drag-adjustthe start and end points of the clip in the (upper left) clip propertieswindow, and when I do that, the image does show in the player, but only solong as I have the left mouse button depressed. All this behavior holdsregardless of the 'lock' setting to the right of the timeline.I hope there's a simple explanation for this.Thanks for the response.Ron Cory 'Ron' wrote in message news Thanks for the suggestion.

After a few hours, I simply tried again and it worked. I guess their server has to sync up or something. My next problem is that while the app appears to import, and parse into scenes, mpg files that I previously created by capturing with Nero or Roxio products, or by exporting from Nero, I can't get any of those scenes to simply play in the editing interface.

Can it be that Studio 9 will only play clips that it captures itself? Nah, must be I'm too early on the learning curve. (It does, however, play the mpgs that were installed with it.). Archived from groups: On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 00:58:51 -0500, 'Ron' wrote:Thanks for the suggestion. After a few hours, I simply tried again and itworked.

I guess their server has to sync up or something.My next problem is that while the app appears to import, and parse intoscenes, mpg files that I previously created by capturing with Nero or Roxioproducts, or by exporting from Nero, I can't get any of those scenes tosimply play in the editing interface. Can it be that Studio 9 will onlyplay clips that it captures itself? Nah, must be I'm too early on thelearning curve. (It does, however, play the mpgs that were installed withit.)I've come up against this same thing with my Strudio 9+.I've come to the comclusion that not all MPEGs are created the same.I also tried Premiere Elements, and had different problems playing thesame MPG file; it would play in the preview pane, but veryerratically. It would skip, jump, and slo-mo.I asked about it here, and got one person trying to help, but no joy.Such is life.:-(-Bill FunkChange 'g' to 'a'.

Archived from groups: Yup, just checked in there and immediately found a post reporting the sameissue from a few days ago. So far the only advice was to re-render the mpgto DV-AVI type 2. I'll search more thoroughly.

Since my last post here, Idid find some AVIs on my hard drive, and they do play in Studio 9+,including one I'd made myself (albeit poor quality). The mpgs that havecaused me this difficulty play in Windows Media Player (which can'tre-render as far as I can tell).

Pinnacle Studio 9 Windows 7

Seems to me the average user wouldtherefore expect them to play in Studio 9+, so I'd have thought there'd atleast be something in the help file about different flavors of mpgs.Nothing I've found.Meantime, I have confirmed I can pile up my jpgs and the mpgs that came with9+ on the timeline, use transitions, titles, zoom/pan, chromakey, etc., Allno problem. If I add one of the problem mpgs, the cursor jumps to the startof that clip and nothing in the sequence plays.

If I delete it, everythingreturns to normal.Anyway, I still have the Roxio OEM package installed, so hoping to re-renderthat way to avoid having to recapture my tapes. Archived from groups: 'Ron' wrote:Yup, just checked in there and immediately found a post reporting the sameissue from a few days ago. So far the only advice was to re-render the mpgto DV-AVI type 2. I'll search more thoroughly. Since my last post here, Idid find some AVIs on my hard drive, and they do play in Studio 9+,including one I'd made myself (albeit poor quality). The mpgs that havecaused me this difficulty play in Windows Media Player (which can'tre-render as far as I can tell).WMP is a player, not an editor and it will generally play (even if notvery well) any file for which it can find a playing CODEC. Studio isan editor, it will only play a file if it has a CODEC that will bothread and render the file.

Otherwise, you would end up being able toedit a file but not render it.MPG editing is an afterthought in most NLE packages and is usuallymuch more limited than DV or MJPEG editing. Seems to me the average user wouldtherefore expect them to play in Studio 9+, so I'd have thought there'd atleast be something in the help file about different flavors of mpgs.Nothing I've found.Meantime, I have confirmed I can pile up my jpgs and the mpgs that came with9+ on the timeline, use transitions, titles, zoom/pan, chromakey, etc., Allno problem. If I add one of the problem mpgs, the cursor jumps to the startof that clip and nothing in the sequence plays. If I delete it, everythingreturns to normal.Anyway, I still have the Roxio OEM package installed, so hoping to re-renderthat way to avoid having to recapture my tapes. Gotta do some readingfirst - make sure this won't degrade them too far, etc.Thanks for the support, RonIt sounds as if your MPG file has AC3 or MPEG-Layer1 or 3 audio.

Ingeneral, Studio will load such files, but will not play them. Studiowants MPG files with MPGE-Layer2 or LPCM audio.There are about a thousand different video/audio combinations possiblein MPG2. Many editing packages (including Studio 9) are veryparticular about what audio stream(s) they can handle, and this isusually the problem when an otherwise good MPG file will not play orrender.Therefore, when using MPG as the capture format, it is usually best touse the same package to both capture and edit. Studio will definitelynot play an MPG file with AC3 sound, especially if that file wasripped from a DVD.

The next version of Studio may or may not play anMPG file with AC3 audio since that is one of the issues holding upthat version.If these are MPG files that you have captured and you still have theoriginal tapes, you would probably be best off just re-capturing someMPG video with Studio and see if you can edit with it.Is there some reason you are capturing in MPG2 if you are seriousabout editing? It's okay to capture in MPG2 if you are capturing VHSand only want to make a few cuts (such as removing commercials) butMPG editing is still extremely difficult for most editing packages andyou usually have far fewer problems if you capture in DV or MJPEG andthen render to MPG after editing. BUT, you can capture and edit inMPG, it is just not as stable and it is difficult not ending up havingto re-render, which lowers your final product.Hope this helps,Susan. Archived from groups: Thank you, yes this certainly helps. From bits I've seen here and there,I'd begun to suspect the audio component was the issue. I'm a rank novice,and had probably accepted a default in Nero Vision Express when I capturedthose files (from my Sony camcorder). No particular rationale behind it.I just want to make movies and slide shows from family DV tapes and jpegs,and eventually convert old family VHS archives to DVD.

But I encounteredtrouble in Nero burning those files to DVD ( - I did manage to make SVCDsfrom them - ), which is why I started researching a dedicated editingpackage and ended up with Studio.Yes, I still have the tapes, and I guess I will recapture into Studio. Butfirst I want to do some reading. I understand what a codec is and thatthere are all these formats floating around, but I need to learn more aboutthe distinctions between them.So far, I've yet to find as cogent a perspective in the Studio help file asyou just provided in a few short paragraphs. Thanks again! -RonYup, just checked in there and immediately found a post reporting the sameissue from a few days ago. So far the only advice was to re-render thempgto DV-AVI type 2. I'll search more thoroughly.

Since my last post here,Idid find some AVIs on my hard drive, and they do play in Studio 9+,including one I'd made myself (albeit poor quality). The mpgs that havecaused me this difficulty play in Windows Media Player (which can'tre-render as far as I can tell). WMP is a player, not an editor and it will generally play (even if not very well) any file for which it can find a playing CODEC.

Studio is an editor, it will only play a file if it has a CODEC that will both read and render the file. Otherwise, you would end up being able to edit a file but not render it. MPG editing is an afterthought in most NLE packages and is usually much more limited than DV or MJPEG editing. Seems to me the average user wouldtherefore expect them to play in Studio 9+, so I'd have thought there'datleast be something in the help file about different flavors of mpgs.Nothing I've found.Meantime, I have confirmed I can pile up my jpgs and the mpgs that camewith9+ on the timeline, use transitions, titles, zoom/pan, chromakey, etc.,Allno problem.

If I add one of the problem mpgs, the cursor jumps to thestartof that clip and nothing in the sequence plays. If I delete it,everythingreturns to normal.Anyway, I still have the Roxio OEM package installed, so hoping tore-renderthat way to avoid having to recapture my tapes.

Gotta do some readingfirst - make sure this won't degrade them too far, etc.Thanks for the support, Ron It sounds as if your MPG file has AC3 or MPEG-Layer1 or 3 audio. In general, Studio will load such files, but will not play them. Studio wants MPG files with MPGE-Layer2 or LPCM audio. There are about a thousand different video/audio combinations possible in MPG2. Many editing packages (including Studio 9) are very particular about what audio stream(s) they can handle, and this is usually the problem when an otherwise good MPG file will not play or render.

Therefore, when using MPG as the capture format, it is usually best to use the same package to both capture and edit. Studio will definitely not play an MPG file with AC3 sound, especially if that file was ripped from a DVD. The next version of Studio may or may not play an MPG file with AC3 audio since that is one of the issues holding up that version. If these are MPG files that you have captured and you still have the original tapes, you would probably be best off just re-capturing some MPG video with Studio and see if you can edit with it. Is there some reason you are capturing in MPG2 if you are serious about editing? It's okay to capture in MPG2 if you are capturing VHS and only want to make a few cuts (such as removing commercials) but MPG editing is still extremely difficult for most editing packages and you usually have far fewer problems if you capture in DV or MJPEG and then render to MPG after editing. BUT, you can capture and edit in MPG, it is just not as stable and it is difficult not ending up having to re-render, which lowers your final product.

Hope this helps, Susan.

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