Zip Code Msa Crosswalk Sign

  1. Msa Zip Code List
  2. Zip Code To Core Based Statistical Area Relationship File

Msa Zip Code List

Zip Code Msa Crosswalk Sign

Zip Code To Core Based Statistical Area Relationship File


My and team and I ran a series of zip codes from addresses within our data set against MSA to Zip Code data found on The Census' website. We found that a relatively high number of the addresses did match, or potentially fall within the limits of any MSA. However, we want to verify that in fact the 1000 or so address that did fall within any MSA based on Census data simply do not lie within the geometric bounds of any particular MSA. What tool could I use to verify this?For example, If I have a series of addresses that I ran through an algorithm to retireve their Lat Long points, I could use something like to verify the correctness of the said algorithm to some degree.Is there an equivalent tool other than say using PostGIS and running the Lat Longs through a geometric comparison function within Postgres (Our database is a Postgres DB by the way)? I am not well versed in PostGIS to know offhand how use it to solve this problem.Thanks in advance.