Himalaya Vintage Rapidshare Downloader
06.02.2020 admin
Himalaya Media Podcast
Himalaya Media
Camel Audio Himalaya: Vintage Soundset for Alchemy 325 MBHimalaya: Vintage taps into funk, fusion, old school electronica and synth pop, offering instruments with an authentic vintage vibe and playability. Enjoy squelchy basses, rich multi-layered pads, cutting synths, dancing arps, shimmering strings and breathy choirs. Alchemy's resynthesis and granular engines have also been used to add a selection of sounds with a more contemporary edge, as well as a huge number of creative performance and modulation options.Comments (0)#2:23 February 2012 Views: 593.
This is what heads call in the field a 'one tracker', but boy is it sweet! Billy brooks windows of the mind rarity. 70s big band jazz solo effort by veteran reedsmith Billy Brooks.